Monday, July 16, 2007

What I Learned On My First Book Tour

Actually I learned several things.

But the most staggering was just how big the Harry Potter book is. All the bookstore staffs were in a constant state of flux preparing for the release. (I was glad I got my books in the stores beforehand as maybe more people will see it now.)

Here's the scale of it. Grants Pass, Oregon, is a small town situated on I-5 above Medford. They have one bookstore - a nice independent place in a strip mall. They've PRESOLD 400 Harry Potter books. They expect to sell a thousand. With Fred Meyer and others in town the book store owner estimated that 4,000 books will be sold in the area - right away. In Grants Pass, Oregon.

It's the biggest thing to ever hit bookstores - Everywhere.

Michael LaLumiere

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