Wednesday, July 18, 2007

There Are Mixed Feelings About Book Signings

The Waldenbooks store manager said corporate really prefers that he not have book signings at his store. And as a unknown author I can tell you I'd rather not do them because I know there aren't going to be lines going out the door waiting for me to sign books.

So who likes them. Publicists like them. Any publicity is good publicity to them. They don't have to sit at the table trying to look inconspicuous (thank God for wireless networks). The marketing people at bookstores like them because they're on the same side of the fence as the publicists.

The bookstore manager wanted me to do a signing of the Crater Lake book because in the dead of summer he'll do anything to create some interest. I don't think that's a compliment.

I think some beginning authors get excited about doing a book signing because it makes them feel like - finally - someone is going to pay attention. But really book signings are all about getting a store manager to see your book, like the book and put it in his store for sale. Everything else is not as important. So by combining media and signings I got books into bookstores. Ultimately, that's all i can hope for. Then it's up to the book to make it happen.

Michael LaLumiere

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