Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Countdown Begins - How Many Books To Take

Twelve days to the theoretical book release - "Why Is Crater Lake So Blue?''

The first order of books shipped to the wholesalers Friday from way up in Minnesota. Wholesalers and distributors are loathe to list books for their customers unless they have the books on the premises. Thus I'm a little late with giving stores time to buy the book for my regional book tour the second week of July. You have to be so far ahead in this business just to be on time.

A ten-day book tour in Southern Oregon. Yikes! Let's skip the fact that I've never done a book tour or a book signing or actually been in public much, just the logistics are daunting. What kind of clothes do i need to pack. What sort of attire will be required for a TV interview spot in Bend, Oregon?

And how many books do i lug around with me for promotional purposes. My publicist says 6 to 8. But then I'm hoping to show our children's picture books to store managers when I'm up there. Will they even be interested? They'll probably just want to see if the Crater Lake book sells first.

I don't even want to think of the book signing nightmare scenario where nobody shows up. OMG.

If you'd pre-order a copy of the book on Amazon I might feel a little better. How about it?

Michael LaLumiere

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope it goes great and you will be sorry you only brought 9 with you!