Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Had Hoped To Avoid Overseas Printing This Time

I printed our first two children's books in Korea. The end result was good. Excellent production values. But I didn't like the experience. Communication was sometimes difficult even though I worked with an in-country printing broker.

Still, I'd do it again if I had to.

But I didn't want to. Good communication makes life so much easier. It's worth a lot.

However, it's not worth $1,ooo per thousand books. We got several quotes from U.S. printers and unfortunately there's just too much disparity in cost. I'm sure the quality is fine but in the thin-margin children's book business that's just too much. So, we'll just put our helmets on and go with an overseas printer again. This time probably Hong Kong.

Many people in the small independent book business will say just go with digital printing. That way you don't have to print a lot of books. Everybody is doing it so save yourself some money in case you don't sell many books, etc.

Wise advice if only it were true. Talking to the wrong guy. Been there, done that. I swear I hear that quite often on the publishing lists. Maybe if you were galloping by on a horse and someone uncovered a digital book for a second and then covered it back up, you could think the quality is the same.

Not yet folks. Just not true. People want to save money so they do it. Maybe it's OK for a how-to book but it's the kiss of death if you're doing a children's picture book.

Michael LaLumiere

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Three Most Important Things About Designing A Book - Cover, Cover, Cover

We've been working on the cover of the new book for what seems like weeks.

This will be my fourth book cover and each time it gets harder because I increasingly realize how crucial a successful cover is. I get nervous.

My angst boiled over in an email to the book designer. This is what she sent me to calm me down:

There are two levels on which to evaluate any cover design, objective and subjective. In the objective area, you need an eye-catching graphic and a title that can be easily read in small sizes online. The font should be appropriate and the type should be set skillfully. You have a great illustration, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Subjective considerations are an ever-moving target that cannot be hit, so there’s no such thing as a “perfect” cover. But I can’t imagine anyone not liking your illustrations (what kid doesn’t love a giraffe?), and that’s going to be the main draw. No matter what type font is chosen, some people will like it and others won’t. You’ve probably seen the covers that people “like” on the Yahoo forum. It makes me want to jump off a building. We’ll show you some options. :)

Did her message make sense. Yup. Did it make me feel less nervous. Nope.

Michael LaLumiere

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hopefully What I've Learned So Far Will Make A Difference On This New Children's Book

We're just starting production on our third children's picture book - "Song for a Giraffe.'' I think the culmination of putting together two previous children's books and releasing a novel should be a better book from end to end. Maybe we'll have our act together now.

The first two books have been pretty good. But there have been minor issues. With this one there shouldn't be any newbie mistakes. The whole package should turn out to easily be the best book all the way around.

Anyway I hope so.

The illustrations are excellent. We're having a professional format the book. We're taking extra care with the cover. Looking hard at a lot of the little things. The story is strong.

This will be our best shot. We also now have a track record with some people. How good it turns out will probably determine if we do any more.

Michael LaLumiere

Thursday, August 2, 2007

More Reasons Why Beginners Shouldn't Publish Books

As you know I'm on the record as saying, do your own book publishing if you're doing it for fun or a family project. Or just because you want do.

Don't do it because you're taking yourself seriously or you think you're a great writer or because you want to make money. Why? Because failure is waiting for you - with a big club - just around the corner.

There are a few highly qualified book pros that sometimes comment on the various publishing lists. A lot of beginners haunt these lists thinking they're the next big deal. I've got to know one of these experts via email. She's worked for a couple publishing houses and now is a consultant.

She swatted down some newbies on a list the other day. And I must admit these particular realities escaped me also when I was a newbie.

One of the reasons we beginners use to justify self-publishing is we know for sure if we make a book and get it out on the market there's no way a publishing house won't see it and buy it from us.

Here's what the expert says. You must sell 10,000 books minimum to get the interest of a publisher (I for one can tell you how hard it is to sell 500 books). And then only if the book has a gigantic market. Her summation: self-publishing probably hurts you more than helps you with a publisher.

Self-publishers are forever trying to cut financial corners so that they can get the book on the market. They're under-capitalized. They do something cheaply when they needed to do it professionally. A sure fire disaster waiting to happen.

Here's what the expert says. It costs $20,000 to launch the average (bookstore-ready) trade book (paperback). If you don't spend the money you're done before you started.

Good luck everyone.

Michael LaLumiere