Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hopefully What I've Learned So Far Will Make A Difference On This New Children's Book

We're just starting production on our third children's picture book - "Song for a Giraffe.'' I think the culmination of putting together two previous children's books and releasing a novel should be a better book from end to end. Maybe we'll have our act together now.

The first two books have been pretty good. But there have been minor issues. With this one there shouldn't be any newbie mistakes. The whole package should turn out to easily be the best book all the way around.

Anyway I hope so.

The illustrations are excellent. We're having a professional format the book. We're taking extra care with the cover. Looking hard at a lot of the little things. The story is strong.

This will be our best shot. We also now have a track record with some people. How good it turns out will probably determine if we do any more.

Michael LaLumiere

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