Wednesday, May 30, 2007

All That Doesn't Add Up To Success

I recently blogged about the success we had getting newspaper reviewers to take a look at our new novel "Why Is Crater Lake So Blue?''

I should have also said that by no way do I think we now have it in the bag. Having reviewers ask for the book only means you checked off another needed step to have a chance at success. That's the tough thing about this publishing process. If you fail in any one of the many, many steps - book design, proof reading, publicity, pre pub reviews, etc. - it can all end up as one big fat zero. That's why there is so little success with novels.

At least with non-fiction you should have a very targeted market and that alone should give you a chance.

Today's worry. Will the books get to the wholesaler in time? It never stops.

Michael LaLumiere

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