Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Welcome To The Self-Publishing Business

Kim and I received a few more rejection letters. It was now official, I was at a total standstill regarding these manuscripts. And as a newbie I was surprised to have reached this standstill so soon in the project. As a former professional in the publishing business I thought I knew better.

Then one day I stuck "Self-publishing'' into the Google search window. I was shocked by what I found. There was a big, wide world based on self-publishing. Before that moment I had no idea. I was embarassed I didn't know anything about it but I was determined to discover what I could as fast as I could.

The self-publishing business is way farther along now than it was back then. The rise of improved digital printing and Internet marketing have changed everything. We're at the beginning of the end of what the Book Publishing World use to be.

At that time - 2 plus years ago - vanity presses were trying to morph into POD (Print on demand) companies. Their goal: get a chunk of your money up front. Some gave you an expensive but quality product. Others gave you an expensive box of nothing much.

I settled on Lulu.com. The great thing about LuLu was there was no expensive up front fees. Basically, you could get a book printed digitally and see how it turned out. This was great for seminar books that I wanted to sell but not so good for a full-color picture book.

They couldn't print hardcovers at the time. And color reproduction was only so so and cost prohibitive for retailing. So now I had a soft-cover, color picture book where the color wasn't great. I would have to sell it for $16. Nobody's going to buy the product for that price if at all.

I was stuck again. Oops I forgot to tell you the trials and tribulations of finding an illustrator for the book. Sorry, it nearly put me in a coma - i must have burned it out of my memory.

Michael LaLumiere

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I eagerly await the next installment.

I expect to self-publish my first PB this year. I've spent nearly 2 years researching the traditional publishing and self-publishing business in preparation for launching my little press. Very little I've found pertains to children's picture books, so your info is particularly helpful.
